Picture good, talk bad
You'll be seeing a lot more of these guys in the weeks ahead.
But we sure hope we don't have to endure a SAG Awards-style replay from preselected "No Country for Old Men" spokesgrunt Josh Brolin. It's not that we're so opposed to a little "fricking" "freaky" "freaky" every now and again, it's just that Brolin really should stick to monosyllables (two at the most!)
"Cornucopia of change?" What does that even mean?
The New York Times' Carpetbagger takes issue with Brolin's lapse in taste and judgement -- i.e., you dance with the one who brung you, you don't glory hog, and you don't use pseudo-naughty words at a high-class event on national TV.
We had more of a problem, honestly, with his backhanded compliment of castmate Javier Bardem. Jealous much? We suggest the always charming Bardem -- he of the "497" awards-- gets the mic from now on whenever "No Country" holds the spotlight.
As for Brolin, we're sure Anton Chigurh's cattle stun gun is still around somewhere. Can someone possibly dig it out and set it to shut-your-pie-hole?