Good day for writers
Reasons to work on a postcard-perfect 72-and-sunny Sunday in Los Angeles? Let us count them, quickly, and then get back to the hammock. 1) the strike could be over and 2) "The Wire" won an award. We mean, "The Wire" won an award!!
Our well-placed source -- that would be the Magic 8 Ball on our bookshelf next to the Homer Simpson and pile o' doughnuts "action" figure -- said, "Ask again later," when we looked for writers strike guidance the other day. Now, it says, "All signs point to yes."
Nearly $2 billion in lost wages and ad dollars later, looks like it's done. Check here for the latest and here to see video of writers after Saturday night's meeting in L.A.
Oscars? Producers said they needed at least two weeks with a writing staff. Is somebody going to start churning out witty bon mots for the presenters today? Magic 8 Ball says: "still undecided." Maybe we just need to shake it harder.
After the jump: WGA West gives a much-deserved award to the much-lauded and terminally-ignored HBO drama, "The Wire," which stars Clarke Peters and Dominic West (pictured) along with about a million other brilliant actors.
WGA West ditched their awards show, planned for last night, but still gave some noteworthy honors.
"No Country for Old Men" continues to mop up the floor with everyone, and "Juno" won for its original screenplay. (We're going to skip the easy opportunity to bag on Diablo Stripper Memoirist Cody. Day's too pretty and we're in a decent mood, so she gets a pass. But just this once).
"Taxi to the Dark Side" picked up an award for feature documentary, and for TV, "Mad Men," "30 Rock," "The Colbert Report," and "The Wire," which always gets our vote for the most criminally overlooked epic on the air. Nice to see it get noticed. More here.