Official backslapping, plus a sweatshirt!
The official backslapping has officially begun.
While Sid Ganis continues to perfect his There Will Be Oscars song and dance routine -- a prelude to his performance at the actual show, Plan D? -- the nominees joshed, bussed and beamed yesterday in Beverly Hills.
Best actor and director contenders rubbed elbows with sound mixers, editors and composers. Though no one air-kissed Daniel Day-Lewis, Johnny Depp, Cate Blanchett, Tom Wilkinson or Saoirse Ronin, who were among a handful of no-shows.
Kodak moments included: Ambassador Clooney clowning around, Julian Schnabel in slob chic, Ellen Page in prison chic, Marion Cotillard (pictured) in just plain chic, and Jason Reitman with proud papa/mentor/key to the kingdom in tow.
All that, plus a "nomination certificate and commemorative sweatshirt." Now that's an event. Check the jump for the "class photo" of all the nominees and, fair warning, magnifier required.
From what we can tell, there are no rabbit ears behind people's heads, no goofball crossed-eyes. What kind of class photo is this anyway? Ah, one with class. Right.