Puppy love rekindled
We've just been schooled. On Donny Osmond, of all subjects.
Jerry Lewis had France, the Hoff has Germany, (we have Sweden?), and Osmond apparently has a lock on the U.K., where, a reader named Mary informs us, there's been no U.S.-style decades-long gap in his popularity:
"I am in th U.K. where Donny has always been seen as a star and where we think ourselves lucky when he comes here to perform. His CD's chart on the day they are released, his CD 'From Donny With Love' is at present number 4 in the British charts. Donny's and his brothers concerts were sold out within hours and new dates need adding and they have sold out Wembly Stadium for both nights."
"So if you don't want him, I know a country that will welcome him with open arms."
The audience did just that at an Osmond reunion concert taped last summer in Vegas (pictured) that's airing this month on PBS.
We maligned the singer/actor/music vid star/gossip show personality/Mormon poster boy yesterday for his omnipresence these days.
Maybe we were a little hasty, harsh and hateful? Hey, we may've just stumbled onto a new mantra. Look for that to be added to the masthead soon.
And no, we're not taking back our mini-tirade about The Toothy One.