Going the distance
The two worlds -- entertainment and presidential politics -- are grafted together these days, with Hillary showing up on "Saturday Night Live," either in person or in doppelganger form (Amy Poehler), Obama eloquently chatting up the chicks on "The View," and John McCain going mano a mano with top fake news purveyor Jon Stewart.
So, not much of a stretch really for Hillary to call forth a character from an Oscar-winning movie, as she did today while stumping in "Rocky's" birthplace with the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO. The hometown favorite provided a fitting metaphor, she said, for her resolve in this race:
"Let me tell you something, when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up."
Abandoning her bid for president now, as some Washington wonks have suggested, would be akin to Rocky pooping out halfway up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Unthinkable, right?
Cue theme music here, and start the chant: Hil-lar-y, Hil-lar-y!