Cheech & Chong fire it up
Since stoner comedy is in vogue now -- really in -- there's probably no better time for the original wake-and-bakers Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong to pull themselves out of their semi-stupor, um, semi-retirement, and get back on the road.
It'll be their first tour in decades, seeing as though they haven't quite been bosom buds since their act broke up in the '80s. They announced some of the details today at their old stomping grounds, the Troubador in West Hollywood. And if there was any doubt, at all, about their intentions, look no further than the photo. Gotta love these dudes.
It's a time of reinvention and revitalized careers -- the L.A. Times went so far as to give it a name, "Revenge of the Geezers," to describe "seasoned" movie stars having another turn in the spotlight this summer -- so why not throw a couple of old-school hippie burn-outs into the mix?
These particular trailblazing potheads are Grammy winners, by the way, for their third album -- and it was actually vinyl -- called "Los Cochinos," that featured bits like Basketball Jones and the Evelyn Woodhead Speed Reading Course. Not sure how well those hold up, but back in the day, rest assured there was much giggling and guffawing (among other activities) as accompaniment.
Fire it up!
Grew up listening to these guys - can't wait!
Posted by: Lorimer1 | August 11, 2008 at 11:41 AM