Fest hits: Wrestler, RockNRolla, Anne Hathaway
Disheveled and road weary, with visible scuff marks and a stogie sticking out of his mouth. Just how we like to see Mickey Rourke. Say, didn't he come out of the womb like that?
His latest feature, Darren Aronofsky's "The Wrestler," is stirring up the Venice Film Festival, where it's already screened (today), and the Toronto International Film Festival, where it hasn't (scheduled for Sunday). Hopes are high that it'll get both a distribution deal and a fourth-quarter Oscar-qualifying release date.
Reviews have been across-the-board positive, with critics calling it a return to form for Aronofsky and a career high for Rourke. (Been jonesing to see him in a fabulous kick-ass movie since "Sin City").
Other festival chatter has it that Guy Ritchie has reverted, in a good way, with "RockNRolla" and that Anne Hathaway could be a contender for "Rachel Getting Married." Another name to watch: Sally Hawkins for the eternal optimist she plays in Mike Leigh's "Happy-Go-Lucky."
More fest news expected. Ya'll come back now.
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Patricia P. Nash
Court Heavner 3642
Mineola, NY 11 501
Posted by: generic viagra | June 08, 2010 at 07:26 AM