Oprah, Ellen and Tommy Lee
The speed, the stamina, the glory, the cliches. Just reliving some Olympics highlights with our U.S. of A. Beijing medalists this afternoon, courtesy of Oprah (and "Oprah"), who's really piling on that sing-song thing she does on her chatfest, which is in its happy mode today, rather than its serious mode.
That's for later in the week, when Oscar winner Tatum O'Neal will sit and answer for her recent sins.
We know all this because it's Premiere Week in syndicated talk, and Emmy hoarder Oprah (who's taken herself out of the running in recent years because she's already sitting on a cache of awards) is hyping her new season like there's no tomorrow. But there is a tomorrow, and a freakishly talented kid will be the guest.
Over at "Ellen," Michelle Obama will help the multiple Emmy-winning host kick off the fall. We expect a fancy footwork opening, and then slightly toned-down hilarity will ensue. Ellen reminds us that this is her first show as a married lady. Insert ball-and-chain jokes here that are actually funny. Tomorrow -- the wedding album!
Unrelated, unless of course he takes to the talk show couches, but worth noting today is the lawsuit filed by Oscar winner Tommy Lee Jones against Paramount for his work on "No Country for Old Men." Jones says he took a smaller upfront payoff in order to reap rewards if and when the movie hit paydirt. It did. He didn't, and he says he wants his $10 million now. Read the lawsuit, per THR Esq.