Colbert does whatever a spider can
We already knew Stephen Colbert had Spidey Sense and that he had just as much business in a run for the White House as some current candidates.
Put those two together, and what do you have? Colbert in Spider-Man comics where, through the wonder of the Marvel Universe, he's still a presidential wannabe.
Colbert has had some cameos in Spidey comics over the past several months after Marvel's editor in chief Joe Quesada paid a visit to "The Colbert Report" and let out his inner fanboy for the Emmy-winning late-night host. But the upcoming "Amazing Spider-Man #573" takes Colbert's animated life to new heights (get it?) as he actually squeezes in a little web slinging between campaign speeches (see illustration).
More background, along with all the details on the importance of the Skrull vote, here.
Get the comic on Oct. 15.
Now we have a great walkway that goes to the beach and to the canals that came from the partnership of community with government
Posted by: Cheap LV | March 04, 2012 at 01:20 AM