Letterman the inquisitor
Fascinating and telling that it continues to be entertainment figures, not news reporters, asking the probing questions in the run-up to this presidential election. That Campbell Brown learned her lesson, and it's not been lost on the coffee klatch at "The View."
John McCain's mea culpa to David Letterman last night did not disappoint on a number of levels. Letterman didn't skimp on the issues -- William Ayers vs. Gordon Liddy, Sarah Palin's readiness, and the importance of keeping one's scheduled appointments.
"Can you stay?" was the first thing he said to McCain.
The show, by the way, was Letterman's highest rated in three years, with 6.5 million people watching.
Also in political bits, McCain's campaign has confirmed what Lorne Michaels has been teasing about for days.
Palin will pop by the rejuvenated, on-a-ratings-roll "Saturday Night Live" this weekend. Host is Josh Brolin, who plays a mean and potentially award-nominated W. in "W." No word if she'll bring her flute or if she'll be going toe to toe (pump to pump, if you will) with Emmy gatherer and Palin not-so-evil twin Tina Fey.