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November 21, 2008

'Twilight' delivers, 'Button,' 'Arrested' tease


Weren't you ever taught that it's not nice to tease people? And by you, we mean Paramount and Fox here.

That much-anticipated press screening of Oscar hopeful "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" last night? Plug pulled about 25 minutes in because of a snafu with the digital projection. (A SAG screening at the ArcLight apparently was color-problem-free and happened as planned). Details of the situation here.

That means there's still no official word from critics on this period drama. Honestly, the suspense is killing us.

And meanwhile, though there have been any number of pulled-out-of-the-arse comments over the past year about a movie based on the Emmy-winning comedy "Arrested Development," it just might be closer to reality. Or is it?

The show's creator and executive producer Mitch Hurwitz has signed on to take the Bluth family from small to large screen, as has Ron Howard. (They're both directing? That'll have to get sorted out, right?)

Speculation aplenty about this project has caused Defamer to create its own "patented" Film Tracker, capturing the latest tidbits about possible feature.


At any rate, we'd be thrilled to see the felonious, drunken, dysfunctional beyond belief, repulsive, magnetic, hilarious family back in action. For real. Ya hear that, Fox?

One area today that we can report there was no bait and switch -- last night's "Twilight" screening. As tough as it is for us to envision the highly enjoyable and detailed slow-burn 500-page book squished into a two-hour movie, we have to say that Catherine Hardwicke did a stand-up job.

We could wax on for quite some keystrokes (we'll spare you because we're bordering on creepy out-of-the-demo obsessiveness here) but suffice to say it did what it needed to do. It set up the love story, made us care about the characters, and left us wanting more.

We're in good company, more diverse than we would've imagined, in fact, judging from the positive react from the ArcLight Sherman Oaks crowd last night that contained a number of teen boys, a smattering of men and females of all ages.

Reports today estimate that "Twilight" pulled in upwards of $7 million last night, which blows the Manolos off "Sex and the City's" $2.5 million early showings. Fandango says it's selling five "Twilight" tickets per second and that it's the fastest-selling ticket since "The Dark Knight."

Glad to see the fans are responding, and glad to know they won't be disappointed.


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I watched watch twilight movie.
I don't love it as the way i love the book.

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Oscar Contenders

  • So "The Dark Knight" didn't make it into the final five after all, never mind that critical and popular support. Let's just call the comic-inspired mega-hit "The Biggest Snubee."

    Here are the best picture contenders in a race that, two weeks away from the Oscars, seems to be a foregone conclusion ("Slumdog") unless there's a come-from-behind possibility ("The Reader" anyone?)

    "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett; the politically timely "Milk;" rags-to-riches fairy tale, "Slumdog Millionaire," Holocaust best-seller-based drama "The Reader," and Watergate-era biopic "Frost/Nixon."

    Could "Button" and "Slumdog" split the vote, allowing another film to take the prize? Doesn't seem likely. After having clung to "Button" for months as what we thought would be the Academy voters' top vhoice, our money's now on "Slumdog." Momentum can't be ignored.

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  • Mmmmm, chocolate Oscar. Not every star will walk away from the 81st annual Academy Awards with a trophy, but if they hit the high-profile Governor's Ball they can have pastry chef Sherry Yard's gold-dusted candy version. Also on the menu from celeb chef Wolfgang Puck is tuna tartare in sesame miso cones, chopped Chino Farms vegetable salad with ginger soy vinaigrette, Maine lobster and caviar. Serve it up! (Getty Images)

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