Phil Spector's a bad boy
Does anybody really think Phil Spector is a Boy Scout? Surely not the parade of women who testified about his drunken bouts of explosive temper at his first murder trial and are queued up to spill again during the current go-round in L.A. County Superior Court.
Not even the jury, which deadlocked 10-2 in favor of convicting the legendary record producer last year.
Seems his new lawyer, though, is dragging him through the mud purposely to show that, well, the guy's just a whack job with self-control issues and a penchant for handguns. Do those two mix? If you believe the prosecution they do, and the result was the murder of actress Lana Clarkson at Spector's castle-like mansion in Alhambra.
Defense attorney Doron Weinberg, destined to be a case study at law schools the world over, has spent considerable time during this trial showing just what an equal-opportunity wild man Spector is -- see, he threatens both men and women!
Weinberg recently called a witness who described Spector, gun in hand, chasing some hapless fans down a New York street because they'd mistaken him for diminutive Oscar nominee Dudley Moore.
The lawyer, in trying to explain his warts-and-all strategy, said to the L.A. Times:
"The expletives and the gun-waving are like conversational exclamation points for emphasis, but not intended to do harm."
This is going to work? In Spector's favor? Watching with continued fascination.