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February 22, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix doppelgangers


Two awards shows in as many days, and two rumpled, shaggy-haired, unintelligible Joaquin Phoenix doppelgangers. Not sure who that was yesterday behind the scraggly beard and sunglasses at the Spirit Awards (getting screamed at by "Christian Bale" in a Bat suit), but today at the Oscars it's Ben Stiller.

Some of our Gold Rush readers have recently weighed in on the Phoenix debacle, sprung wide open on the "Late Show with David Letterman" recently. They mostly said they're concerned and sad about his erratic behavior and near-comatose public appearances.

They see it less as a ruse and more as a cry for help.

Who knew that Gold Rush commenters were missing the cynical gene?

We'd called bullsh** on Phoenix's claim that he has quit acting for a hip hop career. Everybody has. We consider it all a big joke perpetuated by a spoiled, self-important actor who's filming the whole "transformation" for a documentary. It seems so self indulgent and bratty.

But what if he's seriously in trouble, something our readers nudged us to really consider? What if he's going the route of his late brother? If that turns out to be the case, making fun of him on live TV could turn out to be a move of incredibly tasteless proportions.


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If I were that guy, I would not have done such a foolish act of presence in there. He looks awfully bad!

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Oscar Contenders

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