Tuning up for Oscar
Welcome to Oscar afternoon, for those of us on the West Coast, and Gold Rush's live and semi-coherent coverage of the show from a secret location.
Actually, it's a joint called Busby's East and it's just about as close to the Kodak Theater as the "backstage" press room we sat in last year. And it's a whole damn lot warmer.
We're looking forward to an entire awards show where we will not have to hear the following question, "Who are you wearing, head to toe?" until our ears start bleeding. Oh fashion press, we won't miss you at all.
This is watching the Oscars, Version Regular Joe. We've ensconced ourselves in a group of about 60 such Joes, or as regular as is possible in this town, the entertainment apex. It's a bunch of movie lovers and the people who put up with them, with some really taking this seriously -- we know that because they're wearing gowns and tuxes. Others are much more interested in the chicken wing buffet. (Mmmmm, chicken wings).
See our predictions here, and keep coming back for some musings on the revamped show, the winners, the happs, etc.