Gold Rush Stink Eye Awards
Where there are highlights to last night's DGA Awards, there must be lowlights, right? As it happens, there are.
The Gold Rush Stink Eye Award goes to:
The four nominated feature film directors -- yes, we're talking to you, David Fincher, Ron Howard, Christopher Nolan and Gus Van Sant -- who were ushered into and out of the press room for photos but refused to take questions.
At an awards show? Where they'd been lauded onstage by the movies' star power and allowed to prattle on as long as they wanted (no orchestra giving them the hook!), naming all their kids and everyone else they could think of in their Oscar-ready speeches?
And this was before they'd lost to Danny Boyle.
Subsection of this Stink Eye: No press questions were allowed for the presenters who were used as eye candy for the backstage photos. Those included a number of Oscar nominees, like Viola Davis, Richard Jenkins, Sean Penn, Amy Adams, Frank Langella, Melissa Leo and others.
Tsk, tsk.
And speaking of photos... The burly, lethal-elbowed, loud-mouthed paparazzi in the press room treated everyone who walked through like Britney Spears on a hot date. Guess these guys have only one switch, and it was turned to "on."
Stink Eye to them, too.
A publicist working the press room had to tell the 20 or so paps at one point to use their inside voices because apparently "the directors aren't used to" shouting so loud it could curl their hair.
Didn't help much. And by that time, our migraine was already coming along nicely.