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May 28, 2008

Fox's 'Truth' and 'Kitchen' go solo

Fox's upstart reality duo "The Moment of Truth" and "Hell's Kitchen" had their first post-season airings Tuesday night. Both shows were previously teamed with "American Idol," but now have only each other to lean against for ratings support.

The continuation of "Kitchen" at 9 p.m. faired the best (9.4 million viewers, 4.4 preliminary adults 18 to 49 rating and 11 share), dropping only 15% from last week when it was paired with the "Idol" performance finale. "Kitchen" was up 10% over last summer's average, easily won the night and had its highest-rated episode ever that wasn't a finale or paired with "Idol."

At 8 p.m., the return of "Truth" (7.3 million, 3.0/9) had a rougher time, hitting a series low and down 27% from its last episode in April that had served as an "Idol" lead-in.

The rest of the broadcast field aired mostly repeats, with NBC in second place (averaging 6.8, 2.1/6) , followed by CBS (8 million, 1.8/5), ABC (4.7 million, 1.5/4) and CW (1.4 million, 0.6/2). On ABC, the finale of “According to Jim” benefited from the lesser competition and was up double digits over its previous airing (5.1 million, 1.9/5).


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