'Lost' finale burning questions
-- Even if Locke changed his name to Jeremy when he returned to the mainland, why would the Oceanic Six call him that instead of Locke?
-- If Charlie died so that in Desmond's vision Claire could be saved by getting into a helicopter ... why was she not a member of the Oceanic Six?
-- Did the Oceanic Six really have enough information about Charles Widmore's plans to believe that lying about the island and preventing anybody from searching for those who stayed behind was better than being honest?
Now, putting aside the nitpicks: Are Locke, Jin and Michael really dead? Does "all of them" include Aaron? What did Sawyer whisper to Kate before leaping out the helicopter? Are the random people on the ferry raft dead? What was up with the arctic wheelhouse of an island-teleporting command center? Did Juliet look downright glad to have stayed behind while watching Sawyer swagger out of the surf? Is the "Lost" ratio of revealing answers to confounding questions simply continuing unabated? And will playing around on OctagonGlobalRecruiting.com and watching "The Mole" satisfy viewers until 2009?