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July 26, 2008

'Battlestar' crew talks about the final 10 episodes

Comic-Con -- The grim midseason finale of "Battlestar Galactica" was almost the show’s ending.

"That could have been the end of 'Battlestar' if the writers strike kept going," showrunner Ron Moore says.

Moore says producers were concerned that if the strike kept going, the financial pressure on Sci Fi Channel would force them to cancel the remaining 10 episodes.

The final episodes, which will air next year, will have the fleet reeling from their discovery of an Earth in ruins. 

"There’s a fair amount of recrimination and 'what do we do next?' and what to do with the information they find when exploring Earth," Moore says.

"It's not the most happy-go-lucky 10 episodes," executive producer David Eick says.

"Lee gets really fat this time," Moore jokes.

Moore is asked for a clue for who is the final cylon is.

“I can tell you it’s someone you’ve seen,” he says. 

And the finale?

“Kara finds peace,” says Katee Sackhoff. “That’s what I wanted.

“The ending is an ending,” Jamie Bamber says. “It took me by surprise. It is the perfect way to end the show. It does everyone and everything justice.”

The team was asked to name favorite/coolest ‘Battlestar’ moment:

Moderator Kevin Smith: Galactica dropping into the orbit of New Caprica.

Bamber: That crazy zoom shot to Earth at the end of season three.

Moore: The "One Year Later" transition shot.

Eick: Watching Six and Starbuck beat each other up in season one.


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