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July 12, 2008

PBS threatens to show Gandalf naked

TCA -- PBS plans to air a performance of the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of "King Lear" next year.

"Lear" stars Sir Ian McKellen in the title role and includes a scene of full frontal nudity. PBS executives say they haven't yet decided whether to reveal the former Tolkien wizard nekkid during the play's high definition telecast.

"I haven't seen the taped version," said Paula Kerger, PBS president and CEO. "[Besides,] it's not what I think about it, it's what the FCC will allow."

So it begins, the great battle of our time.

See Barry Garron's full story on PBS' session here.


-- Sir George Martin: "American Idol" is "not my cup of tea."

-- "The Electric Company" is returning to PBS.

-- Ray Richmond has a follow up to his column on this year's TCA depression, running through some of the options for the future of the tour. I’ll weigh in with my own take later this weekend.

-- Return of the video wall –  more from the CNN session, here's the network's convention coverage plans.


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