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August 11, 2008

John Edwards; Olympics; 'Journeyman'

-- More Olympic shenanigans: NY Times reports that scheming communist party officials had the singing girl at opening ceremonies dubbed because her voice wasn't perfect enough. Unfortunately, they were unable to convince NBC to dub Matt Lauer.

-- Uh oh, even Will Wheton is annoyed by NBC's delays of live coverage. From his Twitter post: "Dear NBC: thanks to your fucking tape delay on the west coast, I have to avoid the Internets starting at 4pm every day. I hate you to death."

-- Producers have figured out one a new way to bore you on Emmy night: celebrating TV's most memorable lines from the past six decades.

-- NBC remakes yet another TV series -- "Hawaii Five-O" ... wait, what? It's CBS? You sure?

-- Friday's "Nightline" interview with John Edwards re: the whole affair thing merely drew an average number of viewers -- a 2.6 household rating, about the same as the week before. Now if Edwards were flying around on wires, he might have stood a chance ...

-- Figuring "why the heck not," the creator of NBC's now-defunct "Journeyman" reveals the show's backstory secrets to AICN.

-- Page Six reports that Bruce Springsteen will perform at NBC's Super Bowl halftime show. Edgy!

-- Now that enough other people are at the party, Mike Fleiss exits CAA to rejoin reality agent Mike Camacho at UTA.

-- "Lost" stars in contract talks to stay … Seth Green in talks with "Heroes" to join ... Tori Spelling talks herself out of "90210" ... and reality pioneer Ghen Maynard leaves CBS ... the highest-paid celebrity chefs.


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