Sci Fi announces two-hour 'Battlestar' movie
Although the series finale has been shot, Sci Fi has now greenlighted a two-hour "BSG" movie set to air in 2009. Like last year's "Razor" event, the story will function as a stand-alone movie and will be released on DVD shortly after airing.
The movie will be directed by series star Edward James Olmos
and star Michael Trucco, Aaron
Douglasand Dean Stockwell, with more to be announced in the coming weeks.
Official summary and some thoughts on this after the
Starting before the events of the miniseries, our story focuses on familiar characters including Cylon Number One, known as Cavil (Stockwell), Resistance Leader Sam T. Anders (Trucco) and Chief Galen Tyrol (Douglas). In the beginning, the Cylons had a plan, but it didn't account for one thing: survivors. During the chaotic aftermath of the destruction, two powerful Cylon agents struggle with plots and priorities on the human ships that got away, and among the resistance fighters who were left behind.
Which, frankly, sounds like a half-measure effort to tap the Galactica universe once more for DVD sales. The Cylon-centric stories are often the weakest. This story stars lesser-known performers. Olmos provides a name behind the camera for fans, but isn't one of the show's quality directors. Fans will no doubt be thrilled, but this reads like Sci Fi gnawing on the bones of the Golden Goose. What is about sci fi franchises being unable to resist doing prequel movies that set up stories we already know?