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April 14, 2009

Ratings: 'Rock of Love,' 'Nora Roberts,' 'Krod'

Bret-michaels-bus The third-season finale of Rock of Love hit a series high for VH1, drawing 3.2 million viewers Sunday night, and ranked as the top-rated show on cable in the adult demo -- 1.9 rating.

Let's pause to appreciate this.

Doughy Bret Michaels making out with inexplicably eager rocker chicks kicked Sarah Connor's butt this week in the adult demo. It also beat Kings, Dollhouse, Friday Night Lights, Samantha Who and everything on the CW. Most of these broadcast shows still top Rock in total viewers, but that's not the number they're all fighting over. (VH1's Tough Love also hit a series high with 2.5 million viewers and a 1.5 rating).

As always, Michaels told the contestants this will be the show's final season because, after all, Rock of Love is a quest to find love, and once love is found in the season finale there is no further reason for the show.

Of course, he's also done this three times. Sources say no more Rock of Love is currently planned, but with these numbers, expect VH1 to find a way to somehow stay in the reality business with Michaels.

Lifetime aired the last of its four Nora Roberts adaptations, Tribute, on Saturday. Like you'd expect, far fewer viewers (3.4 million) checked out Tribute compared to tabloid-affair-strewn Northern Lights.

The premiere of Comedy Central's fantasy parody Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire was seen by 1.6 million viewers and a 0.7 rating on Thursday night, pulling a little less than The Daily Show that night and way less than the recent premiere of Important Things With Demetri Martin. It was about flat with its time period average. In other words: eh.


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