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May 04, 2009

NBC's Jay Leno promo knocks CBS dramas

NBC's marketing push for Jay Leno's fall primetime talk show has begun, with the network positioning the show as a one-hour comedy alternative to CBS' highly rated 10 p.m. crime dramas.

“More comedy, less murder,” the ad promises amid a montage of gruesome and violent images intended to represent typical 10 p.m. programming (video below).

The network is angling sell Leno to advertisers as a program more akin to a celebrity-packed comedy hour instead of a repositioned late-night talk show. The ad goes on the offensive against time-period ruler CBS, touting the results of a survey that said viewers were receptive to a comedy alternative in the hour.

"With all that murder, it's no wonder seven out of 10 people wish there were some comedy at 10 o'clock," goes the ad.

The Jay Leno Show will feature the host's signature bits like headlines and Jay Walking as well as a large new stage "specifically designed for comedy," according to the promo. What's new is that Leno plans to spend more time out of his seat and interacting with the public, edging the talk show closer to being a variety show. 

Here's the preview, featuring a few celebrity drop-ins from Jessica Alba, Hugh Jackman, Matthew McConaughey and others.


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The ad also inherently mocks NBC's current lineup, since the network airs crime shows Law & Order and Law & Order: SVU at 10 p.m.

Also by targeting crime dramas, NBC is ignoring the other broadcast competitor in the slot, ABC, which at 10 p.m. airs ... airs ... what does it air again? ... Private Practice! And... um ... hm. Yes, best to focus on CBS.


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