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July 27, 2009

Comic-Con 2009 TV Wrap: Top Posts From San Diego

Chuck panel If you stopped tracking TV news on Friday and are just now checking The Live Feed, you missed a marathon of Comic-Con posts -- news, controversy, trailers and fun stuff from San Diego. No worries, this will catch you up...


'Family Guy' abortion episode unlikely to air on Fox

'Lost' Comic-Con panel: Juliet, Faraday to return in final season

'Heroes' panel: fourth season joins the carnival

'True Blood': More books, plus ‘True Blood’ energy drink coming

'Chuck' superpowers to have glitch

Few attend 'Mom-a-Con'; Patricia Heaton told not to bother showing up


'The Clone Wars' season two trailer

'Dexter' season four trailer 

Starz' 'Spartacus: Blood and Sand' trailer

'Stargate Universe' trailer

New 'True Blood' trailer


‘Clone Wars’ season two to be darker, more violent

'24' Day 8 details: Bauer tries to stop assassination

Showtime to launch animated 'Dexter' prequel

'Futurama' panel lends support to voice cast

'V' screening gets strong Comic-Con response

'Stargate Universe' Comic-Con panel

'Attack of the Show' throws Comic-Con nerd rave

'Fringe' panel: Acevedo still has role to play

'Diaries' panel: 'No way I’m going to step on Twilight'


Ending of 'Lost' revealed at Comic-Con? Not exactly ... (video)

Clever FAKE 'Lost' final season teaser trailer (video)

Awesome new 'Chuck' poster (pic)

Watch Jeffster intro “Chuck” panel (video)

Here's a couple of the new "Lost" universe mock ads that were part of the show's Comic-Con presentation (video)

With hearty thanks to THR's Lesley Goldberg and Steven Zeitchik for helping cover Comic-Con's dreaded overlaping panels. "Lost" vs. "Family Guy," why must we choose?


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