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October 30, 2009

Kurt Sutter blogs fight with network executive

"Sons of Anarchy" creator Kurt Sutter just blogged a hilarious run-in with a broadcast network executive furious about his recent blog posts...

He describes "a 130 pound, lipstick-wielding, Chanel-wearing, development executive. Quite honestly, she was much more frightening than the [prison] inmates. And I must admit, very sexy, in a -- I'll-f**k-your-brains-out-then-bash-your-brains-in kinda way."

Sutter says he ran into the so-called "D-Girl" at Starbucks parking lot in Burbank. Excerpt:

DG: You're an asshole.  Job is hard enough without arrogant pricks like you shouting bullshit from your fu--king mountain top.  Shows a hit.  Big f--king deal. You'll be crawling back to us when it's not.

KS: You didn't answer my question.

DG: Everyone I work with is smart, well-educated and very story-savvy.  We know how to do our jobs.  Shit you said was general and ridiculous.  You've never even developed at a network.  How the f--k would you know?

KS: Where's the proof?

DG: What?

KS: Your proof that you're smart, well-educated, story --

DG: F--k you.

KS: I'm serious. I want to believe you.You're probably right.  Name something on your schedule that you're proud of. That's original. Smart. Great stories. 

(She names two shows)

KS: First of all, I agree with you, (show 1) is original and interesting. So why are you pulling it off the air?

DG: It's not canceled.

KS: Of course it is. It's been yanked from the schedule and replaced with reruns.


The full post, titled "D-Girl Death Wishes," is here.


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