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April 26, 2010

Trump: 'Amazing Race' doesn't deserve Emmys

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Trump_donald_200 By Randee Dawn

It wouldn't be Emmy season without some old-fashioned trash-talking.

Donald Trump is taking aim at perennial outstanding reality competition series winner "Amazing Race," the only show to take home the prize since its inception in 2003.

“It’s a shame that 'Amazing Race’ keeps winning, because it doesn’t deserve to win it," Trump tells THR. “It wins every year because they know how to politic the Emmys."

Just so happens that 'Race' is in competition with Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice," which the Donald believes -- shocker -- is having one of its best seasons ever.

He says he fully expects not just an Emmy nomination in the reality competition category (which would be the series' third, the first two being for non-celebrity cycles) but a triumphant win on Aug. 29.

Well, if that pesky "Race" would just get out of his way.

Trump believes the predictability in the reality competition category has contributed to the recent decline in Emmy ratings (though last year’s telecast was up by more than 1 million viewers from 2008).

“They’ve lost credibility,” Trump says of voters. “Instead of shows that deserve to win, they pick 'Amazing Race.' It’s a very sad commentary.”

Perhaps Trump is sore over what happened in 2004, the first year that "Apprentice" and "Race" faced off. Ever assured, Trump recalls he was halfway out of his seat when the Emmy presenter began announcing "Race" as the winner.

"I was standing up to go down there and pick up the Emmy,” he says. "Incredible. It’s a joke. If the Emmys want their ratings back, they have to pick shows that deserve it."


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