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May 14, 2010

Fox expected to pick up 'Terra Nova' + scheduling


Though there's no deal yet in place, sources say Fox is expected to pick up Steven Spielberg's prehistoric drama "Terra Nova" for midseason.

It wouldn't be surprising if the network was waiting to pull the trigger in order to make a splash at its upfront presentation (and rain on NBC's parade -- Sunday NBC announces its schedule, while its upfront is on Monday, along with Fox's).

Spielberg has shot a video introducing the show to advertisers and the network is said to have liked the most recent version of the script.

And really, who doesn't want to watch dinosaurs every week?

In scheduling rumors, everybody is probably hearing the same things: CBS eyeing Wednesdays at 10 p.m. for "Hawaii Five-O" (which has not yet been officially picked up). Fox may split "RideAlong" and "Lone Star," with one airing the the fall and the other midseason, the fall show likely paired with "House." NBC may be looking at Mondays at 10 p.m for "The Event." NBC's new comedies might air Wednesdays. Fox could pair its new comedies with "Glee" on Tuesdays, with one leading into the other (Tuesday is definitely the night to plant a comedy flag, it's the only unclaimed territory unless you count Fridays). But again, speculative.


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