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Hanks Thanks Striepeke

Hanks wrote a tribute to his makeup man Daniel Striepeke, who, after 19 years with Hanks, retired when "The Da Vinci Code" wrapped.

Hanks' gratefulness, their working history and his admiration for Striepeke's craft are conveyed in the story, The Man Who Aged Me, which ran on the front page of the New York Times website for a brief moment.


While some actors can't seem to command enough attention on red carpets others are willing to use their star power to redirect popular attention to otherwise publicly unrecognized artists. And who can argue with Hanks' long hair in "Da Vinci Code" once they know a makeup maestro like Striepeke is behind the wig lace. Link

Reader comment: Han wants us to check out the subtitled, super-wide Marie Antoinette trailer Link (the link is ganked in his/her comment below)

UPDATE: The Reeler is smothered in Da Vinci Code's ancillary excess, not the least of which is Hanks' tribute to his makeup man. Link


[posted by Sheigh]


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