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Miller PR: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Factory_girl Every time Sienna Miller persuades me to take her a little more seriously as an actress (Factory Girl, Interview), she does something to put me off again. At Sundance, for example, she took the podium with Steve Buscemi before the 11:30 PM screening of Interview, only to apologize for not staying for the Q & A afterwards because she was "jet lagged," she said. Hmmm. And here's some juicy Rush & Molloy gossip about her Factory Girl canoodling with Hayden Christensen. This reeks of a gossip column plant designed to drive curiosity seekers to check out the movie.

UPDATE: Jeff Wells went to director George Hickenlooper to try and straighten this out. Lesson learned by Hickenlooper: don't prevaricate. State your case. Don't leave any wriggle room.


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