Copyright Alliance's Candidate Quiz Not Quite As Tough As Bar Exam

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Copyright Alliance's Candidate Quiz Not Quite As Tough As Bar Exam

Wed Nov 21, 2007 @ 10:11AM PST

Posted by Eriq Gardner

Copyrightalliance Today's THR reports that the Copyright Alliance (which includes the major studios and record labels) is sending the presidential candidates a five-question quiz in an effort to introduce copyright issues as a hot-botton political issue. Something tells us that neither the candidate who practiced intellectual property at her law firm (Clinton), the one who was president of the Harvard Law Review (Obama), nor the guy who took down mobsters as a big city prosecutor (Giuliani) will need to sweat this simple test. The open-ended queries are in this questionnaire and ask the candidates to address: 

  • the principle of copyright,
  • the application of copyright law to the digital world,
  • enforcement of copyright law,
  • use of trade agreements to ensure a level playing field for U.S. industry worldwide, and
  • free expression.

Doesn't the Copyright Alliance know that multiple choice is the way to go? We came up with our own quiz question for the candidates:

The Office of the U.S. President can best protect intellectual property by:

(a) suing any developing democracy in the Middle East for patent infringement.
(b) declaring “the war on terror” and “islamofascism” are trademarked phrases that Fox News can no longer use.
(c) using the Mickey Mouse Protection Act to remind the world about the true value of the U.S. dollar.
(d) licensing the remake rights to "Weird Science" to promote stem-cell research.

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The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter, Esq. blog focuses on how the entertainment and media industries are impacted and influenced by the law. It is edited by Matthew Belloni with contributions from veteran legal reporter Eriq Gardner and others. Before joining The Hollywood Reporter, Belloni was a lawyer at an entertainment litigation firm in Los Angeles. He writes a column for THR devoted to entertainment law. Gardner is a New York-based writer and legal journalist. Send tips or comments to [email protected]

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