DVD Sanitizer Accused of X-Rated Behavior

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DVD Sanitizer Accused of X-Rated Behavior

Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 10:26AM PST

Posted by Eriq Gardner

Cleanflicks Remember Clean Flix? It's the Utah-based DVD business that was a favorite of conservative politicians and an anathema to the studios because it edited feature films to remove or alter content deemed inappropriate.

The company's activities sparked a number of lawsuits, including one huge one filed by 16 prominent directors, including Steven Spielberg and Robert Redford, and entertainment studios such as Disney, Sony, Universal, Paramount and Twentieth Century Fox. In 2006, Hollywood won its copyright claims against Clean Flix and the company recently shut down, supposedly due to the industry's legal force.

Well, cover your eyes for this story. Clean Flix founder Daniel Thompson has just been arrested and is accused of having sex with underaged girls. And according to the Salt Lake Tribune, the "booking documents state Thompson told the 14-year-olds that his film sanitizing business was a cover for a pornography studio." Police found a "large quantity" of porno movies inside the business, "along with a keg of beer, painkillers and two cameras hooked up to a television." Thompson has been released after posting $30,000 bail.

We wish we could edit that story out of our heads.

UPDATE: But wait! There's more! Clean Flicks is now suing this guy for falsely claiming to own the company. Full story here.

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» Clean Flicks Founder Arrested for Sexual Abuse from www.buzzflash.net
Remember Clean Flicks? It's the Utah-based DVD business that was a favorite of conservative politicians and an anathema to the studios because it edited feature films to remove or alter content deemed inappropriate. Clean Flicks founder Daniel Thompson... [Read More]

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It is the ultimate irony. Daniel Thompson, the founder of Utah-based Clean Flix, the video rental company that promoted family values by subjectively editing mainstream movies to cut out the dirty parts, has been arrested on charges of -you guessed it, [Read More]

The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter, Esq. blog focuses on how the entertainment and media industries are impacted and influenced by the law. It is edited by Matthew Belloni with contributions from veteran legal reporter Eriq Gardner and others. Before joining The Hollywood Reporter, Belloni was a lawyer at an entertainment litigation firm in Los Angeles. He writes a column for THR devoted to entertainment law. Gardner is a New York-based writer and legal journalist. Send tips or comments to [email protected]

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