Judith Regan and News Corp. Make Up
Mon Jan 28, 2008 @ 10:17AM PSTPosted by Eriq Gardner
Guess there won't be any new salacious details emanating from Judith Regan's $100 million lawsuit against Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Both sides have agreed to settle their differences in a confidential deal with no admission of liability by any party.
Three months ago, Regan made headlines by filing a splashy complaint for wrongful termination and defamation after she was let go in the aftermath of the OJ Simpson "If I Did It" saga. Regan countered accusations by News Corp. that she had made anti-Semitic remarks by saying she was pressured into lying to government investigators about a relationship with former Rudy Giuliani friend and business partner, Bernard Kerik.
Regan adopted the Imus/Rather strategy of pushing her former employer to an undesirable discovery stage — and that seems to have done the trick. In a statement, News Corp says, "After carefully considering the matter, we accept Ms. Regan’s position that she did not say anything that was anti-Semitic in nature, and further believe that Ms. Regan is not anti-Semitic.”