Village Voice Ordered To Pay $15.6M To Competitor

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Village Voice Ordered To Pay $15.6M To Competitor

Fri Mar 07, 2008 @ 10:01AM PST

Posted by Eriq Gardner

Sf_weekly_logo We never knew that liberal-leaning alternative newspapers could be a bastion of anti-competitive behavior, but a judge in San Francisco has imposed $15.6 million in damages against SF Weekly and its parent Village Voice Media for predatory pricing.

The judgment comes in a lawsuit by the rival San Francisco Bay Guardian, which accused VVM of illegally pricing its product below-cost in an effort to put a competitor out of business.

What's the current market rate for escort and laser hair removal advertisements anyway?

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The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter, Esq. blog focuses on how the entertainment and media industries are impacted and influenced by the law. It is edited by Matthew Belloni with contributions from veteran legal reporter Eriq Gardner and others. Before joining The Hollywood Reporter, Belloni was a lawyer at an entertainment litigation firm in Los Angeles. He writes a column for THR devoted to entertainment law. Gardner is a New York-based writer and legal journalist. Send tips or comments to [email protected]

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