Conan targets NBC lawyers in tour opener
Mon Apr 12, 2010 @ 11:35PM PSTGiven the attorney hours spent negotiating Conan O'Brien's exit from NBC, we're not shocked that his "Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television" tour started with a bunch of potshots at NBC and its lawyers. THR's Erik Pedersen was there tonight to witness, among other things, the replacement of the Masturbating Bear (owned by NBC) with the totally different (and not owned by NBC) "Self-Pleasuring Panda"...
By Erik Pedersen
EUGENE, Ore. -- Conan O'Brien kicked off his comedy tour Monday night in Eugene, Ore., with lots of jokes, including shots at his former employer, NBC, and a reference to his new gig at TBS.
“This is the first time anyone has paid to see me. They've paid me to go away," O'Brien told the audience, who welcomed him and his band with a standing ovation.
The show started with 20 minutes-plus of stand-up and lots of self-deprecating humor but only mild shots aimed at NBC -- nothing vindictive.
"Lawyers are listening," O’Brien said, and when the crowd chuckled, he added under his breath, "I'm not kidding."
Read the full story including jokes aimed at NBC here.